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Report Engine and PDF Library: Example code in C/C++ (DLL/.so)

This example program is using the VPE Report Engine DLL.

With the function VpeOpenDoc() a new document is created and a handle for the document is returned. This handle is used in the following code, to access the document.

The function VpePicture inserts an image, four coordinates are supplied: (left, top, right, bottom). The parameter "VFREE" instructs VPE to compute the given coordinate for a text or image itself.

With VpeWriteDoc the document is written by the integrated PDF Library as PDF file, and finally the call to the function VpePreviewDoc shows the preview window.

void CreateDocument()
VpeHandle hReport;
hReport = VpeOpenDoc(hWndParent, "Tutorial", 0);
VpePrint(hReport, 1.5, 1, "Hello World!");
VpePicture(hReport, 1.5, 2, VFREE, VFREE, "example.jpg");
VpeWriteDoc(hReport, "My Document.pdf");
VpePreviewDoc(hReport, NULL, VPE_SHOW_NORMAL);

bullet Customer's Responses

"Working with VPE and your company over the years, I am extremely glad that we did chose you as our print capability vendor!"

Chuck Logan, Hart Intercivic, Inc., Lafayette, Colorado, USA
