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Special Features

Feature Pro Enh Std Com
Memory Streams
VPE and XML documents, as well as images and Rich Text (RTF) can be imported from Memory-Streams. Furthermore VPE is capable to write images and all exportable document-types to Memory-Streams (PDF, VPE, XML, HTML, ODT). Therefore you can read / write documents from / to database BLOBS. In addition server applications can generate documents like PDF or HTML very fast in memory (without I/O overhead), for example to stream such documents via HTTP to client browsers.
yes no no no
Read and Write Page Ranges
For import (only VPE and XML documents) or export (PDF, VPE, XML, HTML, ODT) you may specify a page range (i.e. start end end page), in case of VPE documents you can even merge parts of documents together.
yes no no no
Post Modifications to Stream-Based Documents
For stream-based documents, where VPE only holds a single page in memory and all other pages are swapped to file (meaningful for large documents with several thousands of pages), VPE is capable of modifying such pages after they have already been written to file.
yes no no no
Enhanced Layout Features
Pages may be cleared (i.e. all objects of a page are deleted), arbitrary pages may be removed and you may insert pages at any position within the document (lower editions can only append pages to the end).
yes no no no
Add watermarks to documents, for example text or images can be inserted below all other objects.
yes no no no

bullet Customer's Responses

"Thank you very much for designing this product."

David Sworder, Jack Carl Futures, San Diego, California, USA
