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Features Image Import

Feature Pro Enh Std Com
Import of BMP bitmap files
Imports Windows BMP files
yes yes yes yes
Fast cache for image files
Manages images within an optimizing dynamic cache, so that frequently used images are held in memory. Less frequently used files are reloaded from hard disk.
yes yes yes no
Import of Windows Metafiles (WMF) and Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) yes yes yes no
Import of OS/2 Bitmaps (2 / 16 / 256 / HiColor / True Color) yes yes no no
Import of TIFF 6.0 (2 / 16 / 256 / HiColor / True Color, LZW, PackBits, Fax G3, Fax G4, Multipage, RGBA, CMYK, RGB and Grayvalue with 16 Bits/Sample, JPEG compression v7, not the old 6.0 specification) yes yes no no
Import of JPG (256 / True Color, RGB / CMYK, Standard and Progressive JPEG) yes yes no no
Import of PNG (all possible formats) yes yes no no
Import of GIF (2 / 16 / 256 Color, Multipage) yes yes no no
Multipage TIFF and GIF
Query the number of pages / images contained within a TIFF or GIF file and load a specific page
yes yes no no
Import of
  • PCX (2 / 16 / 256 / True Color)
  • JNG (JPEG Network Graphics)
  • ICO (Windows Icon)
  • KOA (C64 Koala Graphics)
  • IFF/LBM (Interchangeable File Format - Amiga/Deluxe Paint)
  • MNG (Multiple-Image Network Graphics)
  • PBM (Portable Bitmap [ASCII])
  • PBM (Portable Bitmap [RAW])
  • PCD (Kodak PhotoCD, reads always the 768 x 512 pixel image)
  • PGM (Portable Greymap [ASCII])
  • PGM (Portable Greymap [RAW])
  • PPM (Portable Pixelmap [ASCII])
  • PPM (Portable Pixelmap [RAW])
  • RAS (Sun Raster Image)
  • TGA/TARGA (Truevision Targa)
  • WAP/WBMP/WBM (Wireless Bitmap)
  • PSD (Adobe Photoshop, only 24-bit RGB or 24-bit RGB RLE, no layers / masks)
  • CUT (Dr. Halo)
  • XBM (X11 Bitmap Format)
  • XPM (X11 Pixmap Format)
  • DDS (DirectX Surface)
  • HDR (High Dynamic Range Image)
  • G3 (Raw fax format CCITT G.3)
  • SGI (SGI Image Format)
  • EXR (high dynamic-range image file format)
  • PFM (Portable Floatmap; high dynamic-range image file format)
  • PICT (Apple image file format)
  • RAW (camera raw image files)
yes yes no no
Rotation of bitmaps in 90 degree steps yes yes no no
Scale-To-Gray Technology
The Scale-to-Gray Technology is especially useful for displaying forms on the screen, because a grayscale image is scaled down to the low screen resolution, while the loss of visual information (the pixels, that are left out) is transformed to gray-values of different intensity (brightness). This produces perfect readability for the human eye.
yes no no no

bullet Customer's Responses

"VPE is a terrific product... and the service is excellent!!!!"

Charles W. Leggette, Actuarial Management Services, Inc., Dallas, Texas, USA
