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The Company

Direct and Highly Qualified Support Provided by Software Developers

Support often means that your problems are managed, instead of being solved. Unqualified call-agents try with their fragmentary knowledge to provide prefabricated answers to individual questions. Mostly weeks are passing until a solution is available, or even more worse: You give up frustratedly and develop yourself a workaround.

We make it a rule to provide support for our customers. Questions are answered promptly and highly qualified in regular within 24 hours - by the developers themselves!

With an active Subscription you are immediately informed by e-mail, if a new service release or new version of our software is available, and you can download it immediately. On our website you can get quickly an overview about the current state of our products.

Needless to say, your ideas and wishes are most welcome, for we want to create the products which correspond closely to your ideas and needs.

bullet Customer's Responses

"Just wanted to comment on how pleased I am with your product. ... Your product is about the only part of the project that has not proven to be "Interesting". Thanks for the help by giving me a good product."

Gary Coker, Principal Engineer, RG Research Inc.
