KundenstimmenAuszüge aus e-Mails unserer Kunden "Zuerst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch für die geniale Leistung, die VPE bietet. Zudem kinderleicht zu bedienen. Ich habe innerhalb von 5 Minuten VPE in meine JAVA-Applikation eingebunden und eine Demoseite ausgedruckt! Faszinierend!!" Stephan Blaurock, Softec Nördlingen "Ich komme gerade von einer erfolgreichen Installation. So anstandslos und fehlerfrei habe ich in meinem ganzen EDV Dasein noch keine Software von Drittherstellern eingebunden. Und wenn man dann noch bedenkt, dass es sich um Windows Drucken handelt ..." Hartmut Horrer, Software-Entwickler, Senden "VPE zeichnet sich durch hohe Performance, Stabilität und sein völlig neues flexibles Konzept aus. Es hilft, den Entwicklungsaufwand drastisch zu reduzieren, und eröffnet dabei ganz neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Durch die leichte Erlernbarkeit konnten wir VPE zügig in unsere Programmierteams einführen, wobei die transparente Unterstützung der unterschiedlichsten Entwicklungssysteme maßgeblich mitwirkt." Fred Ahrens, Projektleiter, AVECS GmbH, Potsdam "Nochmals vielen Dank für die prompte Lösung. Wirklich toller Support zu einem tollen Produkt." Rolf Brückmann, Mensch & Technik GmbH, Oldenburg "Der Umgang mit VPE ist einfach, die Funktionen sind schnell und das Gedruckte ist qualitativ sehr gut." Marc Meili, PEBE Datentechnik AG, Frauenfeld, Schweiz "I like what I see!! I sent back Seagate Crystal Reports when I found your product." Eric Oliver, Kedco Enterprises Inc., Conroe, Texas, USA "Just wanted to say how impressed I am with Ideal software and all its employees! The VPE product and support are outstanding! Patrick Huxley, Weber school district, Ogden, Utah, USA "I am a new user of your product and I must say that it was the easiest to implement of any toolkit I have ever purchased. In addition, everything that I have used actually works. It is amazing to me how many toolkits out there don't do what they are supposed to do and probably never will. Larry Stefan, Data Functions, Texas City, Texas, USA "Thank you very much for designing this product." David Sworder, Jack Carl Futures, San Diego, California, USA "I was really surprised to discover such a good reporting tool, after years of battles with Crystal Reports PRO." Giovanni Buommino (Dipl.-Ing.), Ing.-Büro für Projektplanung und Software-Entwicklung, Dreieich, Deutschland "I just want to say thank you for the excellent support you have been providing. Your prompt and helpful answers are a welcome change from the other third-party control vendors I have dealt with." Andrew K. Martin, Senior Developer, Automated Business Development, Boston, Massachusetts, USA "Its easiness and printing capabilities are spectacular." G. Thibon, Independent Consultant and Developer, France "Just by using the demo version of VPE for a short time, I can say this is one of the best values in third party programming tools that I have seen! Printing bitmaps was getting to be a 'black hole' for me so VPE offered me a very elegant solution." Lee Baker, Developer, Fort Bragg, California, USA "What a brilliant piece of software VPE is turning out to be. I've only got the demo so far, but will be making my company buy a copy very soon." Mark Keogh, ShipNet, UK "The OCX worked beautifully with my application written in Progress version 8.2. This piece of software saved me weeks of development work. I called the people at Progress technical support about the existence of your OCX so they could log it in their knowledge base." Douglas Hecht, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Largo, Florida, USA "We have searched the market, and have found no other print engine with your capabilities... I was concerned about buying from a European company, because of possible language problems and/or lack of support. Your quick email responses have laid that concern to rest. Feel free to use Monarch Bay as a US reference." Ron Phillips, Monarch Bay Software, Inc. ("HelpTrac™" application), Houston, Texas, USA "I am amazed by you guys! Yours is the only component I have ever used that is a step ahead of me.
Andrew Martin, Senior Developer, Automated Business Development Corp., Boston, Massachusetts, USA "Just purchased your product for report generation by a real-time instrumentation system. I needed to automatically generate reports on the fly from a Win95 C++ program to the default printer. Originally purchased Seagate Crystal Reports, after much investigation, I still do not know if it will do what I wanted to do. Gave it to our person who generates reports from data bases. ...
Gary Coker, Principal Engineer, RG Research, Inc. "Virtual Print Engine was simple to implement yet provided the Printer Control and Power that we could not find in any other Software Program available on the market. VPE has allowed us to expand our market and deliver print capabilities that our customers have been asking for. Thank you for such a great product as it has met every Item of our "Wish List" for such a utility. Keep up the good work." Dan Climent, President, SoftPoint Systems Inc., Fremont, California, USA "I'm finding it to be an amazing product and I'm very impressed with what I've been able to do so far. I've worked with Visual Basic for many years, and have seen many add-on products from many third-party companies. Let me tell you that VPE is one of the very very best and most useful products I have ever seen. I'm very impressed, especially with it's tremendously fast processing... Thanks again for creating a truly helpful and well thought-out product." Mike Folden, Programmer Analyst, MGM GmbH, Grünstadt, Deutschland "I have been constantly fighting with the limitations of Seagate Crystal Reports to get the reports that I want. Now, with VPE, I'm glad to have found a reporting tool that offers all the freedom I need. I have not yet come across a problem that VPE couldn't handle! Thanks for your help!" Mark Irwin, Developer, Canada Life Assurance Company, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada "Let me just stop and take a moment to praise you for your great product. There aren't that many ActiveX controls out there that are as stable and predictable as yours. Job well done! I think we must get the word out to the FoxPro developers (amongst others), that there is a viable alternative to FoxPro's feeble attempt of a report writer." Peter Marlborough, Progressive Business Solutions, Inc., London, Ontario, Canada "You have a fantastic product! I am extremely pleased with what you have accomplished with it." Bryan Beswick, IS Manager, Diagnostic Cytology Laboratories, Inc. "Thanks for providing such a high-quality tool that makes work for us grunt programmers easier." Marty Cantwell, Custom Softworks, Owner / Programmer, Independence, Missouri, USA "Your VPE DLL is great !!! Thanks again! It is just what the doctor ordered, and will save me many hours of work." R. Bennett, Senior Software Engineer, Vodavi Communications Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona, USA "I have been looking for a software like VPE for about 6 months. I just downloaded it last night and it is really fantastic." Marcos Bauer, Developer, Sao Paulo, Brazil "I am very pleased with your product, I wish that there were more quality tools such as yours available." Scott Haberstroh, STC, Columbus, Indiana, USA "Excellent service!! You guys are great." Tom Bergman, SilverPlatter Information Inc., Boston, USA "I still want to say that VPE is a very great utility. We've been searching for a utility for quite some time, we've been evaluating some of them and the power and ease-of-use of VPE really impressed. Keep up the good work." Patrick Elsen, R&D Engineer, Fidro Informatica N.V., Heusden, Belgium "THANK YOU for such an excellent product - whoever's behind the programming of IDEAL Software's Virtual Print Engine does a meticulous job and knows how to make everything work - very uncommon in this industry!" Russ Roy, Construction Computer Systems, Roseville, CA, USA "We are using Crystal report from version 5..6..7..8..8.5
Antonio Iannuzzi, Analist Group Srl, Mercogliano, Italy "We picked VPE as our print library of choice. Our selection criteria was:
Working with VPE and your company over the years, I am extremely glad that we did chose you as our print capability vendor! Chuck Logan, Hart Intercivic, Inc., Lafayette, Colorado, USA I and my clients are extremely happy with the ability of your product to reproduce quality documents. Harry Kable, Australia One Pry Ltd., Tamworth, Australia And also thanks a lot for this robust piece of software that's VPE; I work mainly for industrial companies and it is of the utmost importance to have extremely reliable software, that runs very fast, 24h a day, 365 days per year, without any memory leak and without any GPF. Jean-Pierre Leroy, Independent IT Consultant and Developer, France "VPE is a terrific product...and the service is excellent!!!!" Charles W. Leggette, Actuarial Management Services, Inc., Dallas, Texas, USA "Your product is amazing! Keep up the good work." Daniel Kaminski, OnLine LIMS, Callander, Ontario, Canada "We are very, very pleased with how it works." Bud Durland, IT Manager, Mold-Rite Plastics, Plattsburgh, USA "It is a great piece of software." Jan Clausen, It-Support, Klokkerholm Karosseridele A/S, Hjallerup, Netherlands "It is an EXCELLENT work." R. Ritchie, Technical Director, D-BIT Systems (Pty) Ltd., Johannesburg, South Africa und viele mehr ... |
"I'm very impressed, especially with it's tremendously fast processing... Thanks again for creating a truly helpful and well thought-out product." Mike Folden, Programmer Analyst, MGM GmbH, Grünstadt, Germany