Controlling RTF from VPE – ‘Easy RTF’

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Controlling RTF from VPE – ‘Easy RTF’

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VPE’s conception has a lot of methods and properties to make the use of RTF much easier. We call this: "Easy RTF"!


Inserting RTF text into the document

First of all, RTF text is in VPE not page oriented, but object oriented - like Print() or Write() you insert RTF text at specific positions with specific sizes. The methods are:

long WriteRTF(long x, long y, long x2, long y2, String rtf_text)

long WriteBoxRTF(long x, long y, long x2, long y2, String rtf_text)

long WriteRTFFile(long x, long y, long x2, long y2, String file_name)

long WriteBoxRTFFile(long x, long y, long x2, long y2, String file_name)


WriteRTF() and WriteBoxRTF() work exactly the same as Write() and WriteBox(). With WriteRTFFile() and WriteBoxRTFFile() you specify a (path- and) filename that contains RTF text. This is very useful for processing text already created by your end user with an RTF editor.