Relaxed structure

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Relaxed structure

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For easier and faster use, you may leave out the heading "{\rtf" and the ending "}". Next, you may leave out the font table and the color table. For example "Hello \b World!" is a valid RTF text for VPE.

How does it work? Well, if the RTF text doesn’t specify anything else, VPE works like Print() or Write() and uses the current font, font-attributes and alignment.



SetFont("Arial", 12)

WriteRTF(1, 1, -5, VFREE, "Hello \b World!")

SetFont("Times New Roman", 16)

TextUnderline = True

WriteRTF(VLEFT, VBOTTOM, VRIGHT, VFREE, "Hello \b World!")


Produces the following output:

Hello World!

Hello World!