<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> The structure of the body |
The body consists of the text to output and a set of keywords describing the paragraph formatting (like indent, tabs, etc.) and font-attributes (like font, font size, bold, italic, etc.).
All paragraph settings must be done at the beginning of a new paragraph. They must not occur in the middle of a paragraph.
The following is a complete example, showing some features:
{\rtf {\fonttbl {\f1Times New Roman;}{\f2 Arial;}}
{\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255; \red0\green255\blue0;}
\li1440\ri1440\sb720\sa720 Hello World! \cf2 This is a wonderful day!
\par\pard\plain How do you do?}
The meaning of the keywords can be found in the chapter “RTF Properties processed by VPE”.
If you think, this looks a bit complicated, just read the next sections, describing how to use RTF with VPE and its "Easy RTF" features.