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Throughout this manual, methods and parameters are always declared in the form as it is done in C#. Only some data types are named differently.


Data Types:

VpeCoord is double

boolean is bool

integer is int

long is int

string is string

Color is Color

In addition there are defined many enumerations as data types for properties as well as for parameters of methods:

e.g. property PenStyle [integer] PenStyle
declares a property which has the enumeration type "PenStyle" and which is named "PenStyle".
Data types in square-brackets, like "[integer]" in the example above, are not of interest for .NET users. They describe the data type for the ActiveX and VCL controls.

Example on using the above property: Doc.PenStyle = PenStyle.Solid

i.e. the property named PenStyle is assigned the value Solid of a pre-defined enumeration, which has the type PenStyle.



The keyword method declares a method, e.g. method void CloseProgressBar().

Or method boolean WriteDoc(string FileName)



The keyword property describes a property. The line below the declaration of the property explains, how the property can be accessed (read-only, write-only or read / write together) and if it can be accessed during runtime only, or also during design time.



property boolean PageScrollerTracking

read / write; design- & runtime

means: the property is of type bool, its name is PageScrollerTracking and it can be accessed for read (you can read its value, e.g. n = PageScrollerTracking) and for write (you can assign it a value, e.g. PageScrollerTracking = True) and it is available during runtime (while your application is running) and design time (when you are developing your forms).

It would be declared in C# as public bool PageScrollerTracking