VPE .NET Control

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VPE .NET Control

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Installing the VPE .NET Control in Visual Studio

Open the path \vpe-install-dir\deploy in Windows Explorer.

Example: c:\program files\VPE_P64.740\deploy

Open the Toolbox in Visual Studio.

Drag and Drop from the Explorer window the files IDEALSoftware.VpeInteractive.dll and IDEALSoftware.VpeWebInteractive.dll into the Visual Studio Toolbox.


Note: Visual Studio versions prior 2022 are x86 applications, so you need to have VPE 32-bit installed in order to use VPE in Visual Studio for development.
Visual Studio 2022 is an x64 application, so you need to have VPE 64-bit installed in order to use VPE in Visual Studio 2022 and higher for development.