Opening a VPE file from the internet explorer

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

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Opening a VPE file from the internet explorer

Postby nc1264 » Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:33 pm

We have a website that generates pdf's that are then opened by Acrobat. Because of some problems with the pdf file I want to create the vpe file instead and open it with the vpeviewer.
For that I have made some adjustments on our website that look as follows:
Code: Select all
  Response.Buffer = true
  Response.Expires = 0
  Response.ContentType = "application/vpeview"
  Set Download = Server.CreateObject("csFileDownload.BinFile")
  Download.FileName = "c:\download\sample.vpe"

The webpage, however, opens the file itself (and shows it in the browser). It is possible to start the vpeviewer for this. When checking the registry I do not see an entry for this.

In your samples you show how to do this within the browser but I would like to do with only with the VPEviewer. Can this be done.
On the server we have W2003Enterprise, VPE2.5Enterprise.
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:58 pm

We do not know such internals about how to associate a file extension with - and how to connect an external program to - Internet Explorer. Maybe someone else can answer this question.

Regardless of that I doubt that you can embed VPEView.exe within the window of the browser. But for this job you can of course use our ActiveX within IE.

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
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Postby nc1264 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:33 pm

I'm not looking to show the document inside of the browser because for that I could/should the activeX variant.
I was looking for something like a pdf file where you have the option to show the document inside of the browser or in the Reader.
For that the "application/pdf" can be found in the registry and that opens up Acrobat Reader.
I was looking for something similar so that the application/vpe would open up VpeView. Doing this outside of the browser if fine for me. I don't need the events that you can trap with the activeX control. I just want to see it.
When you hyperlink to a VPE file than VpeView is triggered.

If I discover anything on this I'll let you know.
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Postby betta » Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:23 am

We have the same problem here. We are using an application that generates a lot of large reports in VPE format and don't want to print them but instead to distribute them by putting them on a website as they are needed on many locations.
So, a solution would be much appreciated...
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:05 pm

Why not use the PDF Export module?

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
IDEAL Software Support
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Postby betta » Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:13 pm

As I understand the PDF Export Module is sold as an addon.
The VPE documents are generated by IMOS Act/IMOS Design and it's obvious that IMOS does not (re)distribute a version that includes such a feature (Only a simple VPE View).
Of course that we could use a virtual printer (many freely available) to save our reports but than again, this would complicate things to users!
At this moment I would temporarely settle for opening VPE docs in IE but were is that ActiveX ? (And to whom should I ask for it?)
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:15 pm

The ActiveX is part of the VPE SDK (Software Development Kit). You need to acquire a license of the VPE SDK in order to be able (and legally allowed) to use and deploy the ActiveX.

You should ask the manufacturer of IMOS (who already has a VPE SDK license) to license also the PDF Export Module.

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
IDEAL Software Support
Posts: 1633
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Postby betta » Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:56 pm

Thank you :!:
It's all clear now. (And up to a higher level :lol: )
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Location: Timisoara, Romania

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