by IDEAL Software Support » Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:19 pm
The problem occurs, because you do not show VPE's preview window on the screen. In this mode, the preview window is there, but it is invisible.
By default, VPE disables the preview window when the Print Setup dialog is shown, and everything is fine (the dialog is a child of the preview, so it stays on top of the disabled preview).
In your case (preview not shown), make the invisible preview window of VPE a child window of your application's window. This can be achieved by:
when using the VPE DLL: use the flag VPE_EMBEDDED when calling VpeOpenDoc()
when using the VPE Control (.NET/ActiveX/VCL): set the property "ExternalWindow = false"
Hope this helps, because you have the special case that your main applications window is a modal dialog (as you had informed me by e-mail). Please keep the forum informed, if this works also for your modal main window.
Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH