using hWndPreview

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

using hWndPreview

Postby ADSOFT » Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:20 pm

I want to us hWndPriew, the wnd handle to route messages to and from vpe.

Are there any code examples for this?

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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:03 pm

For sending messages: if you have a Window Handle, just use the native Windows API functions to work with it, for example SendMessage().

In order to receive messages, you can handle the defined events fired by VPE. There is no option to route other messages from VPE to an application.

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
IDEAL Software Support
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Postby ADSOFT » Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:36 pm


If I wanted to get the x-y coordinates when the user hits the left mouse button how can I do that?

Does Vpe have a provision for that?
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:50 pm

This is not possible. But VPE Professional Edition and higher provide clickable objects. You are notified, when and what object is clicked. However, you don't get the coordinate where it was clicked, but the info that it was clicked.

Does this meet your requirements or is there a special reason why you want to receive the coordinate?

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
IDEAL Software Support
Posts: 1633
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Postby ADSOFT » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:14 pm

Yes. :)

In our application we print information on X-Y coordinates that coorespond to positions on a form.

It a little hard to put it into clear words, but...

We would like to print out a grid in vpe that coorisponds to our forms dimension (highth, width), and roll a mouse in the neighbor hood of the field in question. After clicking on the field we can get an x-y value and enter it into a field via software(we would handle and tolerance issues).

The abilty to get two coordintes with the click of a mouse really speads up our work, it would come in very handy. It would make it a lot easier to coorelate physical demensions to numerical coordinates with a pointing device. :)
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