I use VPE 7.1 with the Dataflex classes from StarZen. Many times I have run into the problem that printouts hangs without any error massage when printing outside the defined page. Often that has been due to my programming mistakes, but this time it isn't.
I print labels 80x40 mm as shown in the screen copy of the preview which I uploaded on Tinyupload.I have recognized that printouts are a bit different on different printers, and therefore I have made it possible set a top offset and a left offset in my program to move the printed text on the label. Depending on how these offset parameters are set, it might happen that text is printed outside the defined page.
The page is defined as follows:
Send DoVpeSetPageWidth 800
Send DoVpeSetPageHeight 400
Lines and boxes can obviously be printed outside the page as shown in the preview. The two statements below works despite parts of the linnes are located outside the page.
Send DoVpeBox (iEtikLeft +30) (iEtikTop + 20) -740 -360
Send DoVpeLine (iEtikLeft +320) (iEtikTop + 290) (iEtikLeft +320) (iEtikTop + 380)
However, the following statements, when iEtikTop=100) hang up the program.
Send DoVpeSet VTOP (iEtikTop + 310)
Send DoVpeWrite (iEtikLeft+60) VTOP VFREE VFREE ("7. " + (String(EtikRad.ANTAL )))
but the statement below works and was used when the example in the preview file was printed. It is obviously so that if any part of the printed string is outside the page, the program hangs.
Send DoVpeWrite (iEtikLeft+60) 360 VFREE VFREE ("7. " + (String(EtikRad.ANTAL ))) // 370 does not work
Should VPE work like that? Is there any possibility to print text outside the defined page?
Preview file:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=474 ... 5710499387