him using the VpeControl (version of VPE Professional) to render custom report in C# with .Net 1.1.
I got a System.NullReferenceException wend I close the preview dialog in some case. I Draw Rtf with WriteRTF methode and I don't know why but in some circonstance the vpeControl raise the event AfterAutoPageBreak but no nead new page. If this case append the exception are throwed. I try to set the rtf property ParagraphControl, KeepLines, KeepNextParagraph,
SpaceBefore. SpaceBetween but no effect.
If this expetion is raised, I must stop the execution to print another report, becose each time I re-use the vpecontrol I got a NullReferenceException.
Is a know bug? or other methodes can be done to do this task without this error.
thank-you and sorry for my bad english