VPE View: The Document Viewer

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VPE View: The Document Viewer

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VPE View can be used to browse documents created with VPE - e.g. with the method WriteDoc() - which is for example very useful, in case documents are sent by e-mail.

In addition, if a VPE document was created with the VPE Interactive Edition, and the property EditProtection of the document was set to false, users can edit the controls of such documents within VPEView. If a user changes a document and closes it, VPEView will ask for confirmation if the changes shall be written back to the original file. This way forms can be sent for example by e-mail, the receiver can fill them out, print them optionally, and he can also send them back by e-mail.

Please note that VPE View may be distributed royalty-free to end users. You need to include the Engine DLL found in the directory "Deploy" as well, because VPE View loads the Engine DLL.

If your documents contain objects that make use of additional DLL's from the directory "Deploy", you need to include these DLL's, too. For example if your documents contain barcodes, you need to ship VPE View with the Engine DLL and the Barcode DLL, and so on.

See “Redistributing VPE” for an exact explanation of the dependencies between the Engine and the other DLL's that are shipped with your Edition.

If you click the e-mail button in VPE View, it will open your Simple MAPI mail client (in any installed) and automatically attach the VPE document to the e-mail. Depending on the licensing when a VPE document was created - VPEView will mail the attached document as:
1) Trial-Version: attachment is a non-licensed (demo) PDF file.
2) VPE license applied, but no PDF license: attachment is a licensed (non-demo) VPE file.
3) VPE license and PDF license applied: attachment is a licensed (non-demo) PDF file.
Exception: if the property EditProtection is activated, the VPE document file must have been created using the PDF Export Module Enterprise Edition. In this case VPEView will attach a PDF document which can only be printed, but not modified. If EditProtection is activated and the PDF Export Module Standard Edition has been licensed, VPEView will not attach a PDF file, but a VPE document file.


VPEView opens files always write protected (i.e. in read-only mode).

If you created documents with the trial-version of VPE, they will have set a flag, so VPE View will display the demo banner if such a file is viewed.

For documents that were created with the Licensed Version it is not necessary - and forbidden - that the end users of VPE View use your License Key to view the documents without demo banners. VPE View is designed in a way that it recognizes if a document was created with a licensed version of VPE and will then hide the demo banners automatically.

VPE View examines the VPE Document it shall open and tries first to load the according Edition of the VPE DLL with which the document was created. This will avoid possible document version mismatches, if multiple Editions of VPE are installed on the same machine in different versions.

For further information about VPE document files, please see “VPE Document Files”.

VPEView can be distributed royalty-free. For details about redistribution, please see “Redistribution of VPE View”.