Redistribution of VPE View

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Redistribution of VPE View

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You may distribute vpeview.exe freely with your applications. However, we recommend to ship the "VPE View Setup", which can be downloaded from our websites

If you need for whatever reasons to ship VPE View directly with your application or with your own installation software, here are the internals:

VPE View is associated with the suffix ".VPE" on system level, so files with the suffix ".VPE" have the VPE Document Icon in the Windows Explorer, and a double-click onto such a file will automatically start VPE View.

To gain this behavior on the target machines you distribute VPE View to, you have to create the following keys in the Registry:



HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\IDEAL Software\VPE View\Settings

none, just the key is required




"VPE Document"

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ vpedoc\DefaultIcon


HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ vpedoc\Shell\open\command

"<path>\vpeview.exe %1"

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ vpedoc\Shell\print\command

"<path>\vpeview.exe /p %1"

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ vpedoc\Shell\printto\command

"<path>\vpeview.exe /t %1|%2"

Where <path> is the installation directory of VPE View on the target machine.


The key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IDEAL Software\VPE View\Settings" in the first line is required, because VPE View will store there the last position and size of its window.

Please note the "|" in the value string of the last line.