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The VPE API is Unicode enabled, but does not fully support Unicode. This means that the whole text of a single text object may only use a single character set, for example cyrillic. Before using a string with specific characters, you must set the property CharSet to the appropriate value. E.g. for cyrillic characters, set CharSet = VCHARSET_ISO_CYRILLIC.

For a complete list of available character sets, please see the property CharSet in the Control Reference (for the DLL: VpeSetCharset). Arabic, Hebrew, Vietnamese and Thai can not be used.

One of the next major releases of VPE will fully support Unicode.

When using C/C++, it is important that you include the normal VPE header files first, and the Unicode headers afterwards, e.g.:

#include <vpecomon.h>

#include <vpiface.h>

#include <vpifaceu.h>

#include <vppiface.h>

#include <vppifaceu.h>

The “u” at the end of the file name indicates the Unicode header.