Redistributing dycodoc

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Redistributing dycodoc

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If you acquired a license for VPE Enterprise or Interactive Edition, you may distribute dycodoc in an unlimited number without any additional fees.

To do so, you should pass on to your customers the MSI setup file of dycodoc. You can also include the MSI setup file of dycodoc within your own setup, so it is installed automatically together with your own application.

After executing the MSI, dycodoc is by default in TRIAL mode, i.e. it is not fully licensed. To license dycodoc, please do the following:

On your development machine – where the VPE SDK is installed – open a command shell and navigate to “<VPE installation directory> \ deploy”. Execute the tool “dcdkey.exe” (on non-Windows platforms, execute “dcdkey” without “.exe”), this will generate a key file. The key file contains your personal license key.


dcdkey –c d:\mydir\dcd.key

Will generate a key file named “dcd.key” on your drive d:\ in the directory “mydir”.


Include this key file together with “dcdkey.exe” in your own application setup. During the setup, you can install the key file by executing:

dcdkey -i dcd.key

Will install the key file named “dcd.key” on the current machine. This requires administrative privileges.


After the key file is installed, dycodoc is licensed. The key file may be deleted on the target machine afterwards.