Printing Exported HTML Documents

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Printing Exported HTML Documents

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VPE is using CSS to create HTML documents. This is the only way to create documents, which approximate to what can be done with VPE. Because the HTML objects are positioned absolutely by VPE, this will cause page overflows when printing in browsers, because they add headers and footers but do not rescale the HTML objects accordingly to make them fit into a page. For this reason you must apply a scale below 1.0 to the HTML Export Module, by setting the property HtmlScale. This property is by default 0.75 which equals 75% of the original scale. If the specified scale is too low, it can happen on some browsers that text will overflow on the right side of objects, especially on Firefox. In this case you can use the property HtmlWordSpacing to fix the problem.

If the scale is too low, it can also happen that for example barcodes or lines are not exported correctly, because the available number of pixels is too low or odd. In this case you must increase the value for the property DocExportPictureResolution.


Results viewing / printing with different browsers:

Internet Explorer 6 and 7 on Windows display and print ok

Netscape 8.1.3 on Windows displays and prints ok

Netscape 7.1 on Windows displays and prints ok (HtmlScale = 0.70)

The Safari browser on Mac OS X displays and prints ok

Konqueror on Linux displays and prints ok

Mozilla 1.7.12 on Linux displays and prints ok

Mozilla 1.7. on Solaris 10 prints ok, but has problems with the HTML display (succeeding pages are drawn over previous pages)

Opera 9.20 displays ok and prints nearly ok (HtmlScale = 0.80), but chooses a font which is a bit too large. This can lead into extra line breaks.

Firefox (all platforms) requires HtmlScale = 0.80, displays ok, but has a bug in printing the HTML documents generated by VPE. Firefox does not handle the page breaks correctly. You can print single-page documents well, but multi-page documents do not work. Mozilla has confirmed this to be a bug, see