The HTML Export Module

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The HTML Export Module

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Virtual Print Engine Professional Edition and higher can export documents to HTML. Because HTML has many restrictions, a perfect export like into the PDF format is not possible. Also each HTML browser has its own ways of displaying and handling HTML instructions, which may lead to different appearances and individual problems, when viewing or printing one and the same HTML document with different browsers.

VPE exports to HTML using XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.0. It has ben validated to comply to XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.0 using the W3C Markup Validation Service (

The handling of the HTML export module is trivial, you can create a complete HTML file from a VPE document with only one line of source code:

VPE.WriteDoc("My Document.html")

The file suffix may either be ".html" or ".htm".

See also “Objects Marked As Non-Printable”.