Non-Windows Installation

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Non-Windows Installation

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To install VPE on a non-Windows operating system, perform the following steps:

Open a shell

Extract the VPE archive with "tar xvf  <archive>"
On some platforms (like Mac OS X and Solaris) it is required to unzip the archive first with "gunzip <archive>"

cd into the directory "vpe", which has been created by extracting the archive

Execute the installer with "./install". The installer requires root privileges.
The installer will ask you, whether you wish to install the trial version or the full version. In the latter case it will ask you for your license key.


In the following explanation ".so" has to substituted with ".dylib" for Mac OS X platforms.

The installer copies libvpe<?>.so.<version> to the according lib directory at /usr.

This is the engine shared object - where the ? is to be substituted depending on the edition with:

‘c’ for the Community Edition
‘s’ for the Standard Edition
‘x’ for the Enhanced Edition
‘p’ for the Professional Edition
‘e’ for the Enterprise Edition
‘i’ for the Interactive Edition

Depending on the platform and processor, for which VPE is compiled, the target lib directory is one of the following: lib, lib32, lib64, sparcv9, amd64.


In addition two symbolic links are created, namely:



You should link your executables against libvpe<?>.so.


The SDK itself is installed into the directory /opt/vpe<edition>-<processor>.<version>:

File / Directory



Directory with utility software for licensing and uninstalling VPE, as well as demo executables


Utility to uninstall VPE


Version and license manager called by the installer and the license and uninstall utilities, do not use.

bin/vpedemo and vppdemo

Demo executables (vpedemo demonstrates the features of the Standard Edition, vppdemo demonstrates the features of the Professional Edition).


Directory with headers for VPE


Directory with demo sources for use with C/C++ compilers
for each .cpp file there is a shell script (starting with the letter ‘b’) to build the executable
e.g. with "./bvpedemo" you can build the vpedemo executable


Directory with redistributable files (see "License Agreement" in this manual)

deploy/libvpe<?> .so.7.30.0 or

deploy/libvpe<?>. dylib.7.30.0

The engine shared object - where the ? is to be substituted depending on the edition with:
‘C’ for the Community Edition
‘S’ for the Standard Edition
‘X’ for the Enhanced Edition
‘P’ for the Professional Edition
‘E’ for the Enterprise Edition
‘I’ for the Interactive Edition


Server License Tool - use this tool to activate server licenses on target servers
(only Professional Edition or higher; only Solaris, OpenSolaris, Aix, AS/400)


Directory with documentation files


[Trial-Version only] order information


Release notes, contains a list of changes for users of previous versions


Helpfile, VPE Programmer's Manual

doc/VPE DLL Reference.pdf

Helpfile, VPE DLL / Shared Object Reference


Contains bitmaps, RTF and VPE documents used by the demos


dycodoc sample files (Enterprise Edition and above only)