Installing the VPE VCL for RAD Studio / Delphi / C++ Builder

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Installing the VPE VCL for RAD Studio / Delphi / C++ Builder

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The VPE VCL component is distributed as source code and must be compiled with your version of RAD Studio / Delphi / C++ Builder.

After SETUP has been executed successfully, you will find the source codes in the following two directories:




NOTE:Copy the directories to a place on your hard drive, where you have write permissions (in the following called <vpe-source-path>).


RAD Studio XE2 - XE6:

IMPORTANT: Run the RAD Studio application, not Delphi or C++ Builder standalone!

Use the "File | Open..." menu item of the IDE to open the VpevclXe2.dproj project file in the directory named 'delphi'.

In the Project Manager, right-click on "VpevclXe2.bpl"

In the popup-menu chose "Install"

IMPORTANT: Now update in "Tools | Options | Environment Options | Delphi Options | Library | Library Path" the "Search Path" string to include the file path of the VPE component. Otherwise your projects using VPE will not compile. In regular, the path is where the DPROJ file resides, i.e. "<vpe-source-path> \ delphi". IMPORTANT: It is NOT the path to the compiled DCU file.

For C++ Builder Projects, the IDE inserts a line like "#pragma link "VPE_VCL"" to your source codes. When having compile or link errors, change this line to "#pragma link "VPEVCL.LIB""

The component is installed in the "System" Tab of the Tool-Palette.



Up to XE6 the RAD Studio IDE is only available as 32-bit executable.

You can use the compilers to generate 64-bit code, but the 64-bit VCL components can not be used on forms during design-time, i.e. when developing an application. You will require additionally the 32-bit version of VPE, in order to use the components at design-time.


Other versions of Delphi / C++ Builder:

Please consult the readme file located accordingly in one of the above directories.


Uninstalling the VPE VCL component:

Select "Component | Install Packages" from the main menu.

Select the "Virtual Print Engine Component" package and click the "Remove" button. After the package was removed, click the "Ok" button to confirm your changes.

Now remove in "Tools | Environment Options" under the "Library" tab either the VPE_VCL.DCU (for Delphi) or VPE_VCL.hpp (for C++Builder) file path from the "Library Path" string.