Modifying the VPE Document

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Modifying the VPE Document

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Except using templates to create VPE Documents, you can modify document properties directly by code (for example page size, paper bins, orientation, etc.) and you are able to insert VPE Objects directly by code into documents.

For example: under special conditions you need to insert some annotating text (and perhaps other graphical objects) below a template. You can call the VPE API directly to create such structures.

For example the call:

VPE.Write 1, 1, VFREE, VFREE, "Annotation"

will place the text "Annotation" directly onto the current page of the VPE Document at the position 1cm from the left page margin and 1cm from the top page margin.

The demo programs "VPE Demo" and "VPE Professional Demo", which are shipped with VPE,  create their documents solely by calling the VPE API directly. They make no use of templates. The source codes for these demos are installed with VPE. They are a good resource and demonstrate all important programming techniques. We recommend that you have a look at them.

Details on using the VPE API directly can be found in the chapter “Programming Techniques”.