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(Chart Property) For Pie Chart only. Selects the row of the ChartData object which shall be used by a pie chart. A Pie Chart can only visualize one row of data.

void VpeSetChartRow(

VpeHandle hDoc,

int row


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle

int row

the row that shall be visualized by a Pie Chart


0 (the pie chart is created out of the first row of the ChartData object)


VpeSetChartRow(hDoc, 0)

VpeChart(hDoc, 1, 1, -18, -18, hData, VCHART_3D_PIE)

Creates a 3D Pie Chart from the 1st row of a ChartData object.


VpeSetChartRow(hDoc, 1)

VpeChart(hDoc, 1, 1, -18, -18, hData, VCHART_PIE)

Creates a 2D Pie Chart from the 2nd row of a ChartData object.