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Creates an empty ChartData-Object, prepared to hold the numeric data and properties related to the numeric data. The ChartData object stores the numeric data of a chart. You can create multiple charts of different Chart-Types (like: Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, etc.) out of one ChartData object. All charts which is assigned the same ChartData object, will display the same ChartData in a different style.

VpeHandle VpeChartDataCreate(

VpeHandle hDoc,

int columns,

int rows


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle

int columns

number of columns that shall be reserved

int rows

number of rows that shall be reserved


The handle of the created ChartData object.


VpeHandle hData

hData = VpeChartDataCreate(hDoc, 2, 4)

Creates a ChartData object with two columns (for example Apples and Bananas), where each column can hold 4 numeric data values ( = rows).