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After a call to VpeDumpTemplate() or VpeDumpTemplatePage() the VPE Objects of a template are dumped into the VPE Document. Depending on the amount of text a VPE Object contains, it might have been split over multiple pages. When an object is split over multiple pages, each splitted object is a new distinct object. This function returns the number of VPE Objects in the document that have been created from the provided template VPE Object.

long VpeGetInsertedVpeObjectCount(

VpeHandle hTplVpeObject


VpeHandle hTplVpeObject

Handle of a VPE Object that resides in a template


the number of VPE Objects in the document that have been created from the provided template VPE Object


This function does only work for VPE Objects that reside in a template. If you specify an object handle to a different object, the function returns NULL.


See Also:

"dycodoc Template Processing" in the Programmer's Manual