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Returns the n-th VPE Object in the document that has been created from the provided template VPE Object.

VpeHandle VpeGetInsertedVpeObject(

VpeHandle hTplVpeObject,

long index


VpeHandle hTplVpeObject

Handle of a VPE Object that resides in a template

long index

index into the array of available VPE objects in the VPE Document
this value must be in the range between 0 and VpeGetInsertedVpeObjectCount() - 1


the n-th VPE Object in the document that has been created from the provided template VPE Object


This function does only work for VPE Objects that reside in a template. If you specify an object handle to a different object, the function returns NULL.


See Also:

"dycodoc Template Processing" in the Programmer's Manual