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[Windows platform only; not supported by the Community Edition]

Initialize enumeration of all available paper bins for the currently selected output device. After this function has been called, you can retrieve each single paper bin name with the method VpeGetDevPaperBinName().

int VpeDevEnumPaperBins(

VpeHandle hDoc


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle


number of available paper bins of the currently selected output device


In case of an error, LastError is set to VERR_COMMON. An error may occur if the device does not support multiple paper bins.


Do not call VpeDevEnumPaperBins() in a loop like "for x = 0 to VpeDevEnumPaperBins() - 1", because each time VPE will check for all available devices, which is time-consuming. Rather assign the value of VpeDevEnumPaperBins() to a variable.


Not all of the bin options are available on every printer. Check the printer's documentation for more specific descriptions of these options.


see VpeGetDevPaperBinName