Device Control Properties

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Device Control Properties

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[Windows platform only; not supported by the Community Edition]

VPE offers a large set of properties and methods to give you all control over the printing device. By default, VPE selects now the default (standard) output device after a call to OpenDoc().


Changing the properties (like DevBin, DevOrientation, DevPaperFormat, etc.) during the print-job doesn’t work with some (buggy) printer drivers, for example some fax drivers and the HP4 M Plus driver (the HP4 PS driver should work with the HP4 M Plus printer!).

Some properties and methods don’t work with some printer drivers. For example " DevTTOption" doesn’t work with our HP4 and HP5 printer drivers on WfW 3.11 and NT 3.51, but it works with both drivers on Win95. This is a driver problem.

Printer drivers are manufactured by vendors independent of IDEAL Software; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these product’s performance or reliability.