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[Enterprise Edition and above]

Deletes the given VPE Object from the document. References to VPE Objects can be obtained with the properties LastInsertedObject and FirstObject.

void VpeDeleteObject(

VpeHandle hDoc,

VpeHandle hObject


VpeHandle hDoc

Document Handle

VpeHandle hObject

VPE Object Handle


Use this method with caution: if the deleted object was inserted from a dumped template, and you try to access it with VpeGetInsertedVpeObject(), an Access Violation will occur.
As an alternative, you could make the object invisible instead of deleting it, by setting its properties Streamable, Viewable and Printable to false.

This function works only, if the VPE Document is not stream based, i.e. you did not open / create it using VpeOpenDocFile().

The preview will not refresh automatically after calling this function. Call VpeRefreshDoc() to do so.