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[Windows platform only, Interactive Edition and above]

A Field (not a control!) changed its value, because the associated Control was edited by the user or the content of any associated Control was changed by code.
This event is very interesting, because a Field will change its value each time the user makes a change. Evaluating this event means, that your application is informed about every single keystroke or mouse-click, which modifies a Control's content.
This is one of the few events where CloseDoc() may be called while processing the event.
The event is not fired, if you set the value of a Field by code.






contains the object-handle of the Field object, which fired the event


contains the document-handle, so you can determine which document has sent the message


If you change the value of a Control by code, the AfterControlChange event is not fired. But if the Control is associated with a Field, the event AfterFieldChange is fired.
Vice versa, if you change the value of a Field by code, the AfterFieldChange event is not fired, but any Controls associated with the Field will fire the event AfterControlChange.


Your application should return zero if it processes this message.


See Also:

"Interactive Documents" in the Programmer's Manual.