Messages Generated by VPE-DLL

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Messages Generated by VPE-DLL

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VPE sends several notification messages to your application, so you have always total control about what's happening. The messages are sent via the WIN API methods "SendMessage()" or PostMessage(). They are sent to VPE's parent window, which you supplied in the first parameter of the VpeOpenDoc() call.

If you want to execute VPE on servers or in batch jobs where your application is windowless, you can install a message callback function. In this case VPE will not send events via SendMessage() or PostMessage() to your application window, instead it will call your callback function.
For details, see VpeSetMsgCallback().

The messages generated by VPE (e.g. VPE_DESTROYWINDOW, etc.) are globally registered in the windows system to avoid conflicts with other controls and applications. Therefore it is unknown, what value equals each message and you need to map the messages with the method VpeMapMessage() in your window-procedure.

If your tool is not able to process dynamically window-messages, or if you want to gain the old behavior of VPE prior to v3.0 (having fixed values for each message), use the new flag VPE_FIXED_MESSAGES in VpeOpenDoc(). If you use VPE_FIXED_MESSAGES, VPE will directly send the VPE_xyz message constants to the window procedure of your parent window, instead of sending the globally registered messages. For a detailed discussion on how to handle messages see VpeMapMessage().

For the names of the registered messages, please see Names of the Registered Window Messages.

For information on how to use the registered messages with Visual C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), please see How to handle VPE Events using the MFC.


NOTE: You may not call VpeCloseDoc() while processing any event fired by VPE - except it is explicitly said in the decription of a particular event that it is allowed.