How to handle VPE Events using the MFC

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How to handle VPE Events using the MFC

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The events fired by VPE can be handled in two ways:

either use VPE_FIXED_MESSAGES when calling VpeOpenDoc()

or do the following:


Define the message map in your parent window of VPE as:


 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpeDestroyWindow, OnVpeDestroyWindow)



 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpePrintNewPage, OnVpePrintNewPage)

 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpeCloseWindow, OnVpeCloseWindow)

 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpeObjectClicked, OnVpeObjectClicked)


 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpeAutoPageBreak, OnVpeAutoPageBreak)

 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpeBeforeMail, OnVpeBeforeMail)

 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpeAfterMail, OnVpeAfterMail)

 ON_REGISTERED_MESSAGE(uVpePrintDevData, OnVpePrintDevData)



and the constants itself as public in the CMyWnd.h class:

// Registered window messages


 static const UINT uVpeDestroyWindow;

 static const UINT uVpePrint;

 static const UINT uVpeAutoPageBreak;

 static const UINT uVpePrintNewPage;

 static const UINT uVpeHelp;

 static const UINT uVpeCloseWindow;

 static const UINT uVpeObjectClicked;

 static const UINT uVpeUDOPaint;

 static const UINT uVpeBeforeMail;

 static const UINT uVpeAfterMail;

 static const UINT uVpePrintDevData;

In CMyWnd.cpp assign the according values to the constants in the global initialization block of the module, i.e. not within a method:

const UNT CMyWnd::uVpeDestroyWindow = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeDestroyWindow"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpePrint = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpePrint"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeAutoPageBreak = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeAutoPageBreak"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpePrintNewPage = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpePrintNewPage"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeHelp = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeHelp"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeCloseWindow = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeCloseWindow"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeObjectClicked = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeObjectClicked"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeUDOPaint = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeUDOPaint"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeBeforeMail = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeBeforeMail"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpeAfterMail = RegisterWindowMessage (_T(")/$%!VpeAfterMail"));


const UINT CMyWnd::uVpePrintDevData = RegisterWindowMessage (")/$%!VpePrintDevData");