E-Mail Functions

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E-Mail Functions

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[Windows platform only; not supported by the Community Edition]

VPE allows to send e-mails with VPE Documents via MAPI. Additionally, the e-mail feature allows very easily to fax VPE Documents directly with MS-FAX and MS-MAIL through MAPI.

E-mailing and faxing can be done with user interaction (mail dialog is shown) or without user interaction - only by code. You can specify by code:

the sender

a list of receivers (also CC and BCC)

the message subject

the message text

a list of attachments (including or excluding VPE Documents)


Even if mailing is done with user interaction (mail dialog is shown), the properties you had set by code are valid and will be shown in the mail dialog.

VPE includes VPE View (see "VPE View - the Document Viewer" in the Programmer's Manual) a royalty-free Document Viewer for VPE Documents, which is very useful if documents are sent by e-mail, so the recipient can view the documents with a single mouse click. VPE View is also required if VPE Documents are faxed by using VPE's e-mail functions.



VPE is not an e-mail component. It does only provide basic e-mail support. If you need extended e-mailing features, process the event VPE_BEFORE_MAIL and cancel the event. After cancelling the event you can execute your own mailing code, using sophisticated MAPI components. To attach for example the current VPE document as PDF to an e-mail created by a MAPI component, simply write the current VPE document to a temporary file using WriteDoc() and attach it to the e-mail. You could even generate and attach at this moment a new temporary VPE document with different content, for example with annotations or a watermark.