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Outputs RTF text, which is read from the file specified in FileName, within a rectangle at position Left, Top with the right border at Right and the bottom border at Bottom. This is very useful for processing text already created by your end user with an RTF editor.

The pen is invisible.

method VpeCoord VPE.WriteRTFFile(

VpeCoord Left,

VpeCoord Top,

VpeCoord Right,

VpeCoord Bottom,

string FileName


VpeCoord Left, Top, Right, Bottom

position and dimensions

string FileName

the file with RTF text that is imported


the bottom y-coordinate generated by the output


VFREE: only the Bottom coordinate may be set to VFREE, not the Right coordinate.

Keywords in the RTF file override any VPE API properties. For example, if you set

"\f1 = Arial" and in the RTF file it is defined as "\f1 = Times New Roman", then "\f1" will be "Times New Roman".


In case of an error, LastError is set.


VPE offers several methods to attach an object's position to margins and relative to the position of previously inserted objects. In addition Text, Rich Text and Picture objects are able to compute their dimensions automatically depending on their visual content.
For details please see "Dynamic Positioning" in the Programmer's Manual.


See also:

"RTF - Rich Text Format" in the Programmer's Manual