RTF Functions

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RTF Functions

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[Professional Edition and above]


Features of VPE

Version independent and error tolerant RTF parser.This means: no termination, if unknown or erroneous formats are processed, instead they are ignored and skipped until the next known keyword is found.

Any font-types, -sizes and -attributes (bold, italic underlined) can be used even in a single line or word

Text- and background color can be set for each letter

unlimited number of paragraphs (only limited by available memory)

Automatic text break over multiple pages


For an introduction into RTF and a detailed description of VPE's RTF features, see "RTF - Rich Text Format" in the Programmer's Manual


NOTE: Often RTF documents are created on Windows platforms and use Windows specific True-Type fonts. Especially for the use on Non-Windows platforms there is the important method SetFontSubstitution() available to substitute fonts, so you can use other fonts in place of the fonts used within an RTF document.