HTML Export

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HTML Export

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This section describes the methods and properties related to HTML Export.

A VPE Document is exported to the HTML file format by calling the method WriteDoc().


The following properties are written as (meta-)tags to generated HTML documents:

Title as <title> tag

Creator as "generator" meta-tag

Author as "author" meta-tag

Keywords as "keywords" meta-tag

Subject as "description" meta-tag


In addition, the settings for DocExportPictureQuality and DocExportPictureResolution are applied to converted bitmap images (i.e. where a source image is not in a browser-compatible format, for example TIFF, and is converted to PNG).

Objects which are exported as bitmaps – like barcodes, charts, polygons,  etc. – are using the properties DocExportPictureResolution, PictureExportColorDepth and PictureExportDither.

We recommend to set DocExportPictureResolution to 96 DPI for HTML export, which is the resolution for screens. This also creates smaller images (regarding their size in bytes).


For important details about HTML Export and the features provided by VPE, please see the Programmer's Manual, chapter "The HTML Export Module".