Build-In Paragraph Settings: RTF Auto Page Break

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Build-In Paragraph Settings: RTF Auto Page Break

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VPE processes the three most important RTF paragraph styles (described in the next sections) to have the best control over text formatting when automatic page breaks occur.

Auto Page Breaks only occur if the property AutoBreakMode is set to AUTO_BREAK_ON or AUTO_BREAK_FULL.


The RTF properties KeepLines, KeepNextParagraph and ParagraphControl do not work between different RTF objects. They are only in effect within one and the same RTF object.
Example: You insert an RTF object and below a second one which is too long for the current page, so an AutoBreak is fired. In such a case the second RTF object is treated independently of the first one and paragraph control between the two objects is not in effect.


See also:

"RTF - Rich Text Format" in the Programmer's Manual

"Automatic Text Break" in the Programmer's Manual