I am using VPEDLL to print to a Dot Matrix printers via an Alaska Xbase Application.
I am have a variety of problems with printing.
I am currently using the font New Courier 11 for 80 character printing and Courier 7 for 132 character compress print.
The first problem that I am having is that on some printers the printing is very very slow. I have set the print quality to medium and it is still print slow.
The second problem is that New Courier 11 is much bigger font than I used to get if I print directly to printer from DOS. I used to be able to get 66 lines per page. Now the number of lines is much less.
With regards to New Courer 7 (compress print), the print is very small.
The printers has an option EMF and RAW for Spool settings? What is the recommended setting?
If I wanted to printer 80 character per page what is the recommended font that I should use? Likewise, what is the recommended font that I should use for 132 characters? Are there any suggestion to make the printing be faster on a Dot Matrix printer?
william kevin thomas