Help about Faxing

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Help about Faxing

Postby uglyclown_ca » Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:58 pm

Hi i wanted to get a litle bit of help about sending multiple faxes to different addresses at the end of a report created with VPE, I set up my Windows Fax console and everything works fine, i can create a report then click the print button and chose the Fax, then the wizard apears, i enter the destination fax number etc, and it works fine the fax is sent and receive np, but i want to code this so i can send multiple faxes "invisibly", with no menu or nothing.

Most of the settings I chose to leave them default I only specify a fiew heres what i have so far

VpeCtrl.Device = "Fax";
VpeCtrl.DevFromPage = startpage;
VpeCtrl.DevToPage = endpage;
VpeCtrl.DevCopies = 1;

what this does it it starts ok how i want it, but it apears the Fax wizard menu(the place where i enter the destination fax number etc). So what I am wondering is how can i specify all the info it needs by code so no input is needed at all, is there somekind of VpeCtrl.DevFaxRecipient = 1231234; or something like that? Please someone just give me a good start or a sample of someone doing this or just any help at all. This is for work and I would really need to get this working.

Thx in advance

btw i call the vpe report from a ASP/SQL page and then the report i code it in javascript(mixed with some asp/sql of course)

vpe version 3.60
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Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:32 pm

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:12 pm

If using a device as fax, there is no way to specify the receiver by code.

VPE offers a Simple MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) interface, this way you can fax to specified receivers if the fax software is SMAPI enabled.

Doc.AddMailReceiver("[FAX: +49 1234 12345678]", VMAIL_TO)

will fax it then.

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
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Postby uglyclown_ca » Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:04 pm

can you please take 1 minute and tell me a bit more details, not one short line, i searched up MS-Mail, and MS-Fax and they both look like software no longer supported nor available on microsoft website, can you give me a link or 2 to download software that you know of by experience that works well to send unlimited faxes silently using the VpeCtrl.AddMailReceiver("FAX: +49 1234 12345678", 1); proprety?

and one last thing, what are the numbers after FAX:, theres 14 numbers is that just an example or is the +49 some kind of method or something? because thats alot longer then a full fax number and i was just wondering(since i cant test it myself yet)
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:58 pm

can you give me a link or 2 to download software that you know of by experience that works well to send unlimited faxes silently

We haven't been watching the market for such software for years, since this is out of our scope. But I am sure an MS Exchange server for example will be capable of doing such things. If you find more information, everyone here in the forum will be glad if you post it.

theres 14 numbers is that just an example or is the +49 some kind of method or something

The +49 is the country code for Germany. It must be dialed if sending a fax from a different country to Germany.

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
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Postby uglyclown_ca » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:37 pm

So in the last fiew years(since Win XP), you guys never tested the fax code? if yes then you know a litle bit how to setup MS-Fax or where to get it. Its just that im looking but nothing is official, there must be someone or a site that explains how to use/install MS-Fax, you guys say we can fax using it but no one know hows, and theres nothing about it in the help file so how am i suposed to know how it works :s Anyways if you reeeally cant give me any more advice or details about how to start off what im trying to do, i understand, but if you know anything else that could help me it would be greatly apreciated..


ps: this msg goes for the VPE staff aswell as any other client taht might have MS-Fax or a similar setup installed pls help out quickly if you can please
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Postby uglyclown_ca » Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:47 pm

Well after 2 days of testing and trying, I have found many ways to send faxes, many good programs and plugins but not a SINGLE way to send faxes transparently, so I dont know why you tell me you have the Doc.AddMailReceiver("[FAX: +49 1234 12345678]", VMAIL_TO); code if the VPe staff nor nobody actually knows how to make it work. No ofense or nothing its just that I now have to cancel the project to automatically send faxes to many clients at the same time after already telling many that it would be possible using vpe(witch we already use to print all our reports). Im still looking for a solution but again if you can show me ANY example of a setup from one of your clients or whatever that has automatique faxing working it would be great. Your MS-FAX program does not seem to be an answer at all, its a old win 95 program that is not supported by anyone anymore and not easy at all to find to download and even less to get working.

well thx if anyone can help out it any way :)
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:35 pm

Your MS-FAX program does not seem to be an answer at all

Why do you say "your"? We did not create it, and we neither do recommend it. Did you try our suggestion to use MS Exchange and / or Outlook? It doesn't look like you did.

Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH
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