Hi i wanted to get a litle bit of help about sending multiple faxes to different addresses at the end of a report created with VPE, I set up my Windows Fax console and everything works fine, i can create a report then click the print button and chose the Fax, then the wizard apears, i enter the destination fax number etc, and it works fine the fax is sent and receive np, but i want to code this so i can send multiple faxes "invisibly", with no menu or nothing.
Most of the settings I chose to leave them default I only specify a fiew heres what i have so far
VpeCtrl.Device = "Fax";
VpeCtrl.DevFromPage = startpage;
VpeCtrl.DevToPage = endpage;
VpeCtrl.DevCopies = 1;
what this does it it starts ok how i want it, but it apears the Fax wizard menu(the place where i enter the destination fax number etc). So what I am wondering is how can i specify all the info it needs by code so no input is needed at all, is there somekind of VpeCtrl.DevFaxRecipient = 1231234; or something like that? Please someone just give me a good start or a sample of someone doing this or just any help at all. This is for work and I would really need to get this working.
Thx in advance
btw i call the vpe report from a ASP/SQL page and then the report i code it in javascript(mixed with some asp/sql of course)
vpe version 3.60