Dycodoc fldx questions

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Dycodoc fldx questions

Postby Patrick.Elsen » Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:32 pm

In earlier versions of Dycodoc the content of the fld files was updated whenever the fld files changed.
In Dycodoc 2.3 this is no longer the case. Is it anyhow possible to update all field definitions without re-importing all fldx files one by one?
Also it seems that now the full-path of the .fldx files is in the dcd file while before there was only a relative path (when dcd and fld files on the same disk). Is it still possible to have the relative path in the dcd file?
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Re: Dycodoc fldx questions

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:31 pm

The field definitions are now stored inside the DCD documents (as well as bitmaps of picture objects). This allows easier transfer of the files, for example by e-mail: you only need to pick and send a single file. It also avoids possibly unwanted version mismatches between multiple files, and it avoids any confusion what files do belong to a certain DCD file. For this reason, dycodoc does not look at external FLDX files when opening a document. Having said all that, the short answer is: dycodoc does not update field definitions from external FLDX files automatically, nor is there an option to update all files at once.

Regarding your second question: Since dycodoc does not care for external FLDX files by any automatism, it does not care about the file path. dycodoc only looks at the field definitions which are stored inside a DCD file. If you create a new table within dycodoc from scratch, it will have no path at all, because no external file is involved.

If you have tons of FLDX files to manage, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail and we can discuss what exactly you require - and maybe we can work out a solution in the context of an individual programming contract.
IDEAL Software Support
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