Moderator: IDEAL Software Support
IDEAL Software Support wrote:... I might be wrong, but as far as I remember you just need to set the PageHeight and PageWidth properties (NOT the DevPaperHeight/-Width properties!) and there you go. Since this a few years ago, please let us know if this helps.
IDEAL Software Support wrote:...Setting PRINT_NO_AUTO_PAGE_DIMS causes that the properties PageHeight and PageWidth are without function for printing. In this case this would be counterproductive.
IDEAL Software Support wrote:...I might be wrong, but as far as I remember you just need to set the PageHeight and PageWidth properties (NOT the DevPaperHeight/-Width properties!) and there you go. Since this a few years ago, please let us know if this helps.
#IF V3
#DEFINE VUNIT_FACTOR_MM10 -1 && just a DUMMY-Constant not used in VPE3
m.lcDevice = "EPSON TM-T88IV Receipt"
m.lnVSpacing = 500 && 5cm vertical spacing between lines
m.lnDrawLines = 7 && seven lines with a 5cm spacing
#IF V3
with m.oForm.oVPE
with m.oForm2.oVPE
if .isOpen()
*-- not in V.3
if .VPEVersion >= 5
.UnitTransformation = VUNIT_FACTOR_MM10
.SetupPrinter(m.lcPRS,2) && Force printer to show dialog
*.Device = m.lcDevice && or alternatively set Device without SetupPrinter(..)
.PageHeight = 4000 && Optionally try to force PageHeight/width to specific dimensions
.PageWidth = 800
.nLeftMargin = 40 && Set margins
.nRightMargin = .PageWidth - .nLeftMargin
.nTopMargin = 0
.nBottomMargin = .PageHeight
.VPEWrite(50, 200, VFREE, VFREE, "Testreport")
.VPEWrite(50, VBOTTOM, VFREE, VFREE, "PageHeight: "+trans(.pageHeight))
.VPEWrite(50, VBOTTOM, VFREE, VFREE, "PageWidth: "+trans(.pageWidth))
.VPEWrite(50, VBOTTOM, VFREE, VFREE, "VPE-Version: "+trans(.VPEVersion))
m.lnTop = 0
for m.lnI = 1 to 7
m.lnTop = m.lnTop + m.lnVSpacing
.Line(VLEFTMARGIN, m.lnTop, -300, m.lnTop)
.Line(.nRightMargin-300, m.lnTop, .nRightMargin, m.lnTop)
.TextAlignment = ALIGN_CENTER
.Write(.nLeftMargin+300, lnTop-20, .nRightMargin-300, VFREE, trans(round(m.lnTop/100,2)))
endfor &&* m.lnI = 1 to 10
IDEAL Software Support wrote:First of all, to make sure there are no side-effects, remove the call to SetupPrinter().
hDoc = ::VpeOpenDoc(hwnd, "Sample Application", VPE_GRIDBUTTON);
const VpeCoord page_width = 8;
const VpeCoord page_height = 5;
VpeSetDevice(hDoc, "EPSON TM-T88IV Receipt");
VpeSetPageWidth(hDoc, page_width);
VpeSetPageHeight(hDoc, page_height);
VpeSetOutRect(hDoc, 0, 0, page_width, page_height);
VpeLine(hDoc, 0, 0, page_width, 0);
VpeLine(hDoc, 0, page_height, page_width, page_height);
VpePrint(hDoc, 1, 1, "Hello World!");
Install Version ATM_304E
EPSON TM-T88IV Receipt3 Printer Driver
Epson Status API
IDEAL Software Support wrote:We re-activated our EPSON TM-T88IV and wrote some test code: ....
It works as it should.
m.lnPageWidth = 8
m.lnPageHeight= 31
if .isOpen()
.Device = "EPSON TM-T88IV Receipt"
.PageWidth = m.lnPageWidth
.PageHeight= m.lnPageHeight
.SetOutRect(0,0,m.lnPageWidth, m.lnPageHeight)
.VPELine(0, 0, m.lnPageWidth, 0)
.VPELine(0, m.lnPageHeight, m.lnPageWidth, m.lnPageHeight)
.VPEPrint(1,1, "Hello World")
IDEAL Software Support wrote:What version of the printer driver are you using on what operating system version? Is your Windows 32- or 64-bit?
We are using WinXP 32-bit, SP3, the printer driver version dialog reports: Install Version ATM_304E EPSON TM-T88IV Receipt3 Printer Driver
Version Epson Status API Version
Version installieren
APD Ver4.51
EPSON TM-T88IV ReceiptE4
Version 5, 0, 15, 0
Version 4, 50, 0, 0
IDEAL Software Support wrote:... Just for informational purposes: what edition, version and release of VPE are you using?...
IDEAL Software Support wrote:We re-examined this problem and found a solution.....
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