Problem with VpeSetMailWithdialog / Thunderbird

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Problem with VpeSetMailWithdialog / Thunderbird

Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:24 am

The function VpeSetMailWithDialog (true) doesn't work with Thunderbird. It happens on a PC where Outlook Express has crashed and Thunderbird has been installed instead of Outlook. We send e-mails using VPE.
VpeSetMailWithDialog is always set to TRUE.

In Outlook there were no problems. Now, in Thunderbird when the e-mailadress is unknow, a dialog-box with the e-mail is shown. That's ok. But when an (valid) e-mailadress is added ( VpeAddMailReceiver) then the dialog-box for the new e-mail isn't shown. Instead, Thunderbird starts and shows all the maps (Outbox, Inbox), but the e-mail isn't visible.

Any ideas? Is it a configuration issue, because in Outlook all worked fine.
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:40 pm

Sounds strange. Please provide a code snippet which makes the problem reproducible.
IDEAL Software Support
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Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:47 pm

IDEAL Software Support wrote:Sounds strange. Please provide a code snippet which makes the problem reproducible.

The code is written in Open Edge 10 (Progress), this is the code for sending the VPE-doc as e-mail:

run VpeSetPrintOptions in lhVpe(hDoc, 4).
run VpeSetMailText in lhVpe(hDoc, "text in e-mail").
run VpeSetMailWithDialog in lhVpe(hdoc, 1).
run VpeSetMailSubject in lhVpe(hdoc, "subject").
run VpeAddMailReceiver in lhVpe(hdoc, vEmailAdresDoc, -2147483647).
run VpeMailDoc in lhVpe(hDoc, output x1).

When the variable vEmailAdresDoc is nihil/empty it works fine and the dialogbox pops up prompting for an e-mailadress and showing the e-mail content. But when e-mailadress is added, Thunderbird itself pops up (all the maps : inbox, recycle bin,... That's it.
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Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:06 pm

The problem is caused by VpeAddMailReceiver, when I modify the code in:

"run VpeAddMailReceiver in lhVpe(hdoc, vEmailAdresDoc, 1)" it works with Thunderbird.

We normally use "VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME" for setting the e-mailadress, but this give problems with Thunderbird.
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:34 pm

If you specify VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME, the behavior of Thunderbird makes sense in some way.

As far as I understand the problem is solved now by specifying VMAIL_TO for the recipient class?
IDEAL Software Support
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Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:13 am

IDEAL Software Support wrote:If you specify VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME, the behavior of Thunderbird makes sense in some way.

As far as I understand the problem is solved now by specifying VMAIL_TO for the recipient class?

In the first versions of our software we didn't use VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME. But since VPE v3.6 we had to use it because of problems with Exchange. If possible i would like to remove VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME. Using it also gives the ennoying messages of OUlook that someone tries to access the adressbook. What is the best solution? Removing VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME can give problems with Exchange (when no SMTP), but avoids the popup-warnings of outlook and works fine with thunderbird.
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:39 pm

Yes, well... what can we say? Everyone is cooking its own soup (German phrase). Microsoft does this, Mozilla does that - there is no generic clue.
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Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:24 am

IDEAL Software Support wrote:Yes, well... what can we say? Everyone is cooking its own soup (German phrase). Microsoft does this, Mozilla does that - there is no generic clue.

No problem, we have a solution for Thunderbird, we will modify our soft.
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:46 am

Could you please share your solution with us?
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Postby ZensoftBelgiumHZ » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:08 am

IDEAL Software Support wrote:Could you please share your solution with us?

In a configurationfile we indicate if VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME may be used. Depending on this flag VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME is or isn't used with the function VpeAddMailReceiver.

When VMAIL_RESOLVE_NAME is removed, the security warnings in Outlook also disappear when a dialog box is used. But when e-mails are sent without dialog-box the annoying popups keep appearing "a program is trying to automatically send...". Even when i tell Outlook not to warn me, these messages keep popping up. Now i've installed "express click yes", a free tool, to avoid this.
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Postby IDEAL Software Support » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:03 pm

I would like to add the following information:

When a user clicks onto the e-mail-button in the toolbar of VPE's preview, your application is notfied by an event. You can cancel this event, so that VPE does not create / send an e-mail. In this case you can execute your own code to create and send an e-mail. This allows your application for example to use MAPI directly or other e-mail components / libraries. Using WriteDoc() you can write the VPE document as PDF and use it as an attachment.

Please note that at the time of this writing MAPI is not supported by e-mail clients like Thunderbird.
IDEAL Software Support
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