I print out timebars with different colors and just fell over this in the PDF-Export. Maybe I can do something from my side to avoid it.
The light green and the red bar have pure white text on them (rgb(255,255,255)). Normally no problem.
However on holidays a hatch is being printed in the background and in this case the white text also gets hatched.
See the bars in the second row:

(this is a screenshot from the PDF-file, viewed with Acrobat 9)
A zoomed view shows it better:

It's still the correct text. I can select, copy and paste it.
This only happens in the PDF-output. Preview, VPE-Files or PDF created with FreePDFXP or Adobe Distiller look fine.
As soon as I change the forecolor of the red bar just by 1 (ie. rgb(254,255,255) everything's fine:

Note that even the green one draws correct although only the red one has the non-pure-white forecolor.
Must be some kind of masking-issue or the like.
Any hint?
Kind regards
Frank Dietrich