by IDEAL Software Support » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:27 am
This is a bug of your printer driver. The driver reports to VPE that it is capable of printing copies of a page itself, so VPE does not send one and the same page multiple times (if collation is turned off, or only a single page is printed - as in your case).
We tested our code 5 minutes ago on an HP 5P printer and it works. We tested it with Adobe Distiller - and see: it has this bug.
You can verify if the driver has a bug by printing more than a single page and turning collation off (which also causes VPE to delegate the printing of copies to the driver): same problem.
Depending on how many people report the same problem with different printer drivers, we are willing to change our code, so that VPE handles the printing of copies itself, regardless whether a driver reports it can print copies. But this would have the disadvantage that much more time is required to print a document with copies, because each printed page must be prepared by VPE, then by the driver and afterwards it needs to be transferred to the printer.
If other applications (like OpenOffice Writer) do print copies correctly, this only means they are sending each copy themselves at the cost of loss of performance. By the way: Word 2003 does it right, so turning collation off and printing multiple copies causes the same bug to appear.
People experiencing the same problem should report it exactly here in this thread, with the name of the printer manufacturer, the printer model, the printer driver version, the Windows version and installed Service Pack.
They should also report this problem to the printer driver manufacturer as follows: "Your driver reports in DevMode.dmFields that it is capable of handling the printing of copies itself (DM_COPIES flag set), but it doesn't. Please fix this problem."
By the way, what is your printer model / Windows version?
Thorsten Radde
IDEAL Software GmbH