Fatal parser error when loading FLDX file

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Fatal parser error when loading FLDX file

Postby QuadraQ » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:56 pm

We have an existing set of templates that we use with our main program. In several cases there has been a need to add a new field, so the procedure is to add it in one of the templates, then export the fldx file, and anyone who creates a new template must import that fldx file to make sure they have all the current fields to choose from. Exporting the fldx appears to be successful, but when importing the new fldx in DycoDoc 2.20 we sometimes get this error:

dycodoc 2.20
Failed to load field definitions source file.

fatal parser error near line 1, column 13: Generic parser exception.

This only leaves us with the option to add the field manually.

When comparing the original fldx file with the new one using ExamDiff Pro, the ONLY difference appears to be the new field, so it would seem that the export is working as it should, but there is some kind of bug in the import. We would be happy to provide all the files needed as an example of this behavior since we really need this fixed.
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:10 am

Re: Fatal parser error when loading FLDX file

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:53 am

Please send a sample set of files to our support e-mail address. Best one FLDX before the change, one after the change, and a DCD file.
IDEAL Software Support
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Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:03 pm

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