Picture - Dycodoc Template

Knowledge exchange related to dycodoc, the visual form and document designer

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Picture - Dycodoc Template

Postby wkthomas » Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:49 am

I have created a Dycodoc Template which has a picture (BMP) file of a letter head. SInce it is possible that the letter head can change every year or two, I would like to have the ability to load the BMP each time the template is being called since I do not want to have modify the template every time that there is a change.

I have created a picture object in the template and I have given it name. What I would to like to do it have it update the picture update like the other template field function (VPESETTPLFIELDASSTRING) by given its name in the template. However, I cannot find any function that will update picture.

I did find VPEPicture. However, the VPEPicture is asking for Coordinates which I do not want to use since I could have different templates and the letterhead could be a different coordinates. Thus, the using the updating by the name would be more flexible.

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Re: Picture - Dycodoc Template

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:56 am

Assign a field to the filename property of the picture object. Set the field's value at runtime to the desired filename before calling dump template.
IDEAL Software Support
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Re: Picture - Dycodoc Template

Postby wkthomas » Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:20 am

I already assigned a field value for the picture.

What I am having problem is what function do you used to assign the field name to the value.
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Re: Picture - Dycodoc Template

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:05 am

Assign a field name to a value?

I think there is some sort of misunderstanding. Fields are variables which have values.

Maybe you mean how to assign a value to a field? Use SetFieldAsString().
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