Registering the VPE ActiveX 32-bit on Vista or Win 7 64-bit

Knowledge exchange related to the VPE Report Engine and PDF Library

Moderator: IDEAL Software Support

Registering the VPE ActiveX 32-bit on Vista or Win 7 64-bit

Postby IDEAL Software Support » Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:27 pm

The following article addresses manual deployment of the VPE ActiveX. If you are installing the VPE SDK (Software Development Kit) for software development purposes, this is not required, since the VPE installer handles everything correctly.

A customer had a support inquiry today, having problems registering the 32-bit VPE ActiveX on Windows 7 with 64-bit for deployment on machines of his end-users.

Here is the solution:

On Windows Vista and Windows 7 with 64-bit, the system32 directory is in fact for 64-bit binaries, and the SysWOW64 directory contains the 32-bit binaries.

Therefore regsvr32.exe which is located in system32 is a 64-bit binary, and regsvr32.exe located in the SysWOW64 directory is the real 32-bit regsvr.

Registering the VPE ActiveX On Machines for Deployment

IMPORTANT: execute the command line shell as "Administrator", otherwise you will receive an error message by regsvr32.exe (with code 0x80070005).

copy vpectrl60.ocx to \windows\SysWOW64

cd to \windows\SysWOW64

and enter

regsvr32 vpectrl60.ocx

If you are using an installer, which supports 64-bit Vista / Windows 7, the above process is done automatically.
IDEAL Software Support
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